fine food experience
The Mediterranean scallop or capasanta, as it is called in the region, is considered one of the most delicious gastronomic savouries from the Adriatic Sea. The Novigrad capasanta is especially appreciated because of the salty seawater mixing with the fresh river water in the Novigrad aquatorium, jointly creating an incredible seafood.
It has been a part of nutrition here since times immemorial, non-fat protein and mineral wealth of the Mediterranean waters.

FRITULE (Croatian doughnuts)
It is a fragrant and delicious coastal delicacy traditionally linked to the carnival and Advent; moreover, it is an obligatory part of the traditional Istrian table. If you have come to the region once at the time of the fritule, you will most certainly remember their aroma.
– 4 eggs
– 4 spoons of sugar
– Two apples
– 8 spoons of flour
– 250 ml of yoghurt
– Baking powder
– Raisins
– Mix well the ingredients and fry in deep oil,
– Sprinkle with powdered sugar when cooled down

BOŠKARIN (Istrian cattle)
Boškarin is typical Istrian cattle that was used throughout the history for agricultural work with labourers, while its meat and milk were very admired by farmers as food. Once a working animal, boškarin has turned into a true Istrian culinary delicacy by breathing in the spirit of new times into the old dishes.

Even though prosciutto is prepared in the majority of South European countries, the Istrian prosciutto belongs among the most original and most recognisable products of the Croatian cuisine. This traditional delicacy is made by drying the selected ham with natural Mediterranean additions such as coarse sea salt, pepper, garlic and other spices in the natural ambience of the bora. The obtained delicacy provides a combination of the dark red and traces of white colour. It is hard to resist both among the local population and foreign guests; the tasters become fantastically devoted to it putting the rest of the culinary offer out of focus at least for a while.

Shrimp, a relative of prawn and lobster, residing in the cold Northern and Mediterranean seas, has found its refuge also in the Adriatic Sea. Gabriele D´Annunzio, the infamous Italian poet, praised the shrimp from the “blue sludge of the Kvarner bay” as the best in the world; almost all gourmets in the world can identify with this statement.

This is another specific wealth of this close part of the Adriatic Sea, almost its front yard.
The turbot is a natural master of camouflage and blending with the environment, and, if you are not looking at it in front of you on the plate, you will know how good it is at that.
Containing little fat and being rich in proteins, it is nutritionally beneficial due to the rich spectrum in vitamins and minerals, to be recommended to all and especially esteemed by cooks and nutritionists.

Only 50 calories in 100 grams, 45 antioxidant phyto-substances, 120 milligrams of vitamin C, several hundreds of years of experience in existence, numerous ways in which it protects the health, and voilà, we have the kale in figures – a fascinating plant from the local garden that has a special place also among the top healthy ingredients in the world.

In the 17th century, in the fairy-tale of the French writer Charles Perrault, the yearning after lamb’s lettuce created a curse and a blessing. For the human blood, this succulent herbaceous plant is most certainly a blessing through the explosive cocktail of valuable nutrients. Due to its full flavour, it can be served as a salad in itself, without many spices.

Its majesty – the truffle. This most precious mushroom in the world, whose local underground kingdom is situated in the valley of the Mirna River, is the holy grail of the Istrian hospitality industry. It lives in a symbiosis with trees.
The irresistible and dominant scent and taste of an aphrodisiac gives it the magic enriching and rounding up dishes, already in amounts that are usual for spices, in a multitude of combinations and several levels of thermal processing. With its unscrupulous and drastic taste, it invites to the table the most powerful and most energetic wines, a combination of a duel and a joint dance on the tips of the tongue taste buds.